- The GUI has been modified and cleaned in order to give more space to the most active areas like the network map, the RCE interface or the exploits/fuzzing areas.
- Last opened/saved KB are now easily accesible on the toolbar.
- A warning icon appears in the "Logs" tab when new content is available.
- The bottom status bar has gained more functionality showing information regarding KB in use and targets or vulnerabilities discovered.
- We have updated Bokken subproject to the last stable version available, v1.0. It features an interactive mode, better code disassembly and analysis and better integration with Inguma's GUI. More information about Bokken can be found here.
- The systray functionality allows now to hide the Inguma GUI while it's working and it will warn you once the running modules have finished.
- A new fuzzing tab has been added to the Exploits workspace with two different fuzzers: Krash and Scapy.
- Krash fuzzer has been part of Inguma project for a while but now it can be used directly from the GUI. Just select the target, the packet to be fuzzed and press start. Read more about Krash fuzzer here.
- The Scapy fuzzer is a GUI wrapper to the scapy's fuzz function that makes network fuzzing very easy. It's fully drag-and-drop-driven and, in order to start, you just have to compose a packet by dropping layers, select the layers/fields to be fuzzed and select an output directory to save the sent and received packets.
- The CLI interface has received some attention again and a few new shortcuts like '?' for help or '..' to go back to the main menu are now available in nearly all the modules.
- Inguma CLI now works better on MacOS with autocompletion and key bindings.
- All the fuzzing modules are now under the fuzzers category and have been fixed.
Type 'help' for a short usage guide. inguma> nmapscan inguma/nmapscan> ?
Inguma's Nmap Interface Help ------------------------------
help Show this help nmaphelp Show Nmap's help nmap
inguma/nmapscan> .. inguma> .. Exit.
- Some additional minor changes include:
- A new module to find subdomains is now available.
- The option to automatically audit a new target has been added to the "New target" dialog.
- Lots of code refactoring and bugs fixed.
Get the new release here while is hot, and stay tuned about the latest Inguma and Bokken developments at the project mailing lists or the Twitter profile.
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